
Silk Way Nomads

Big Almaty Lake

The Big Almaty Lake, or simply BAL, is a picturesque lake located 20 kilometers from Almaty. The water body is situated near the Kyrgyzstan border, yet no special passes are required for visiting – and the millions of tourists who have visited here are the best testament to that. BAL is nestled in mountainous terrain with breathtaking landscapes and delicious air filled with the aroma of fragrant herbs and the freshness of snow-capped peaks of the Zailiysky Alatau.

Big Almaty Lake, or simply BAL, is a picturesque lake located 20 kilometers south of central Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Opening hours: Year-round.

Free admission.

Big Almaty Lake, or BAL for short, is a picturesque lake situated 20 kilometers away from Almaty. The water body lies near the Kyrgyzstan border, yet no special passes are required for visitation – a fact affirmed by the millions of tourists who have visited here. BAL is nestled in mountainous terrain with landscapes of incomparable beauty and air filled with the fragrance of aromatic herbs and the freshness of snow-capped peaks of the Zailiysky Alatau. 

History and Points of Interest 

Almaty Lake lies in a deep gorge formed as a result of a massive earthquake over two millennia ago. Underground tremors triggered a landslide that blocked the path into the gorge, forming a natural dam in the riverbed. The gorge was subsequently filled with water – thus the world got the stunningly beautiful blue water body known as the treasure of the Northern Tian Shan. Contrary to its name, BAL has a relatively small area – 420 square meters. The depth of the reservoir in summer reaches up to 45 meters, while in cold months it can drop to 15 meters. In the warm period, the lake warms up to 10-12 degrees Celsius. The water is transparent and very fresh. On sunny, windless days, the wooded slopes surrounding the lake are reflected on its surface. Four peaks rise above the calm surface – Kanyshev Saptaev (formerly Soviet), Ozerny, Big Almaty, and Tourist, with heights ranging from 3600 to 4300 meters. It’s quite cool on the shores of BAL regardless of the season. This factor should be taken into account when planning an excursion – bring warm clothing and headwear, and don’t let the Almaty heat mislead you. There is an observation deck located 400 meters from the reservoir, offering a good view of the lake panorama and serving as a perfect location for memorable photos. Midway to BAL is a high-altitude hotel, and at the foot of the gorge is the Ak-Orda recreation area, where you can enjoy traditional cuisine and relax before the return journey. 

Visiting Rules 

BAL is one of the main sources of freshwater for the multi-million city of Almaty. The reservoir is guarded by state services, and the appropriate warning is posted at the entrance. A set of visiting rules is also listed on the sign, which must not be violated under any circumstances: Access by vehicles to the shoreline is prohibited without proper permission. Swimming and fishing in the lake are prohibited. Access to the dam without the accompaniment of hydropower plant staff is prohibited. Campfires, overnight stays, and picnics are prohibited. Leaving litter behind is prohibited. Grazing of animals is prohibited. When visiting the lake, choose comfortable footwear, warm clothing, sunglasses, and headwear. We recommend bringing water, a thermos with a hot drink, and snacks.

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